Mother nature wasn't so kind to us this, uh...summer? Can I even call it that? A harsh winter followed by a lackluster summer makes for some pretty unsatisfied and vitamin D deficient Chicagoans. Hibernation is just around the corner. Even Luke has started the process - he slept in until 9:00 AM *gasp* this morning. This is a good 3 hours later than normal. No idea why he did it, but it fa-reaked me out. I couldn't take my own paranoid thoughts any longer (after being awake myself for an hour) and I went into his room and woke him up. He didn't really enjoy be woken up...sorry, next time I'll enjoy it! Luke was quickly cheered up by a trip to Einstein's bagels with Grandpa and Uncle Nick followed by a train ride and an outing to the park.
All the mothers on my street are already stressing/fearing the long winter months inside with energtic toddlers. We've got Luke scheduled for wiggleworms on Saturdays through December so that will be at least one outlet for his antics. We'll be in France for Luke's first Wiggleworms class so mimi will have the pleasure of taking him. She just doesn't know what an experience it will be trying to get Luke to follow some directions and stay in one place :-)
We are gearing up for our trip, well actually, we are thinking about gearing up - no doubt that last minute packing will be fun. We're gonna miss little Lukey B - I really miss him alreay, but he'll be here having fun with mimi. I see multiple trips to Dairy Queen and the Swedish Bakery in Luke's near future!
Story of the week time:
We have neighbors who have a little girl that is about 18 months old...we see them in the neighborhood a lot and they come play in our yard sometimes. Anyway, we haven't run into them in about 1 month and we finally saw them on Friday. As we walk up with Luke, the dad says "Oh my god, when did Luke turn into a five year old?" I almost cried. He proceeded to go on and on about how much taller Luke got, and how is hair and his face changed and how he looks so much older. :( He truly must have had a growth spurt because all of a sudden, his shirts and sweatshirts look like belly shirts.
Pics of us and the growing little man:
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