Sunday, January 24, 2010


I've been around for 3 decades now, yep, that's 30 years folks - yikes! Maybe I should start saying things like "You know, 15 years ago..." When I was younger, I remember thinking "how on earth can people remember things that are 15,20,25 years ago?" Well I guess now I know. Luckily, I don't think I can say "You know, 20 years ago..." I'm not quite able to remember things at that interval yet because I would have been so young when the memory was made.
I, of course, received some extra nice presents this birthday - a David Yurman bracelet, a gift card to Gibson's, an US weekly magazine subscription (stop judging me, I need mindless entertainment every once in a while), a nice new camera, and let's not forget that trip to Paris in September.
Matt and I went out for a child-free evening last night. Well, I guess I wasn't *completely* child free. We went to a posh place downtown called HUB 51 to celebrate my oldness. I have to say, it was nice to be able eat dinner without holding *someone* on my lap while he stuck his grimey pudgy fingers into my food. I also didn't have to catch any drinks from spilling into my lap or save any waters from sugar packets and pepper.

Uncle Nick watched Luke while we were gone. We'd been preparying Luke all day that Nick was coming over and he was really excited to show Nick all his new Christmas toys. Nick was in the door for about 2 minutes when Luke said "Come over here Nick," for his first toy demonstration. Luke hardly even noticed when we walked out the door because he thought we were going to Trader Joe's as usual and he was busy showing Nick his treasures. Apparently, Luke was able to trick Nick into reading to him for a good 30 minutes before he went to bed...Matt and I have a limit of 10 minutes. And when Luke woke up this morning, he wanted to know where Nick went.
So I had a great birthday and I'm glad that I'm in good company with the 30 and over crowd. Oh and Matt and I get to have another semi-child-free night next Saturday while G-ma is in town :) You can look for us in the star-studded scene at Gibson's.
So here's what 30 looks like for me (20 weeks):

Luke talking on the phone in his new carseat (in the living room, naturally):

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Well I did it. I downloaded a picture program on my work computer (ssshhh). So here are some of the latest...

Luke and his strawberries:

Cleaning his kitchen:

18 week belly picture of the mini martial artist:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sometimes I Hate Technology!

Well, we are currently without a working personal laptop and a working point and shoot digital camera. This is NOT a good equation for a blogger. Why does everything have break at the same time - uggg! We are currently waiting impatiently for Apple to announce/market their new "Tablet" so we can decide to either get that or a new Macbook. I saw on the news today that they are coming out with "something" next week so we may be getting closer to having a new computer. Oh, I also have a new work computer since my last one fell to its death about a week ago and took my hard drive with it :(

So there's been a lot of hilariousness around the household lately. I'll see if I can do it justice with my descriptions:

I was using the bathroom the other day and Luke bolted in. He wanted to remind me to hold my "weena" down when I peed. When I was done, he told me I was a good boy. Thanks, Luke. Matt, you've got some discussions to have. Oy.

Along the same lines, Luke's elbows seem to find my ever growing belly quite frequently..."Luke, watch out for my belly, there's a baby in there." He says "no, momma, baby in MY belly," as he pulls up his shirt and sticks out his belly.

Yesterday we were at and indoor splash park that happens to be in the same community center as a senior citizens home. He sees an older woman walking slowly with a limp and thus attempts to walk the same way. So embarassing but cute at the same time!

And lastly, Luke now requests that I chew his gum for him and then give it to him once it is nice and soft. Just call me a pushover.

And in the way of non-hilariousness, Matt's company and therefore his team signed on to continue at GM - indefinitely at this point. So Matt's commute to Detroit continues, NOT.COOL. This was originally a 3 week assignment on his part --that 3 weeks started almost a year ago.

And my sciatic nerve is also uncool.

So let's go back and visit cool things. Baby Zappia #2 is either a ninja or a boxer. I get a lot of speed-bagging to my bladder. Ok, maybe the bladder impact isn't cool but the movement is! We have our "big" ultrasound one week from today. If we were going to find out the gender (which we are NOT) it would be at this ultrasound. I'm now on the lookout for "team green" apparel and I have to say that the majority of gender neutral baby items are so clearly girly that I don't see how they even pretend that they are "unisex."

Well that's about it. When I can, I'll try to get some new pictures up!