Friday, September 17, 2010

3 Months Young

As you can see, Adrienne was a little upset about turning 3 months old. Or maybe it was just that she needed a new diaper!
You'll notice that she's rockin the retro style in these pictures. That little number last saw action about 30 years ago when her *clears throat*style idol wore it.
No surprise here, but Adrienne continues to host parties in the middle of the night. Sometimes, she even invites Luke. Otherwise, she's very easy going. She loves to cuddle and coo and smile - she has such a sweet pesonality. As I end this post, she's waking up from a brief snooze :)

1st Day of Preschool

My baby goes to school - ack! This officially makes me old - ack! I know I'm ridiculously smart and all but I thought that Luke might be able to learn a thing or two from other people as well. Little bucky is off to Montessori preschool 3 days a week and in a class with 7 other little buckies. As this is Luke's first time in a structured environment (and, um, he's not a very structured kid), I (Matt was in on it too) thought that the Montessori philosophy and style would be a good match for him. As usual, I was right! I guess it's a good sign that he wants to keep going back to school, otherwise I'd have to hide him under my desk at work and let him color on my shins.

In a Montessori classroom, the children get to decide what they want to work on instead of being directed towards a specific curriculum. So far, Luke has continued to choose the "life skills," activities such as pouring, squeezing, cleaning, etc. I'm grateful they don't have any automobile driving activities in the life skills section or Luke would never learn anything else. As it is, he has advanced skills in that category:

Me: Luke, are you excited to go to school tomorrow?
Luke: yes!
Me: Mommy and Daddy are going to drive you there and drop you off, ok?
Luke: Can I drive myself there?
Me: No, Daddy's going to drive the car
Luke: I don't want Daddy to drive the car, can I just drive my blue truck? (his power wheels)
Me: Uh, no. You've got at least 13 more years of waiting buddy.
So you might be wondering where Adrienne's been spending her time while Matt and I are at work and Luke's in school...she has started at a germ center, oops, I mean daycare center. Little sweetpea was there for 2 days before she came home with a cold :( So far, she enjoys hanging out with her baby friends, eating and sleeping. All of the teachers at the center have stopped in her room to see "the baby with a lot of hair."
Here she is on her first day: