Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend 2010

The mall:
The Beach:
The Park:
What more could you ask for?
We had a such a great time the Memorial Day Weekend that my writing simply can't do it justice so I'm just going to show some pics. Plus I don't have the focus or patience to sit here and try to be clever as my brain is no longer functioning at 38 weeks + pregnant. And by the way, I'm convinced this child is never coming out.
Does sarcasm/frustration translate through the internet?

Back to my fabulous weekend...
Monkey on the monkey bars:

Friends in the front yard:
What's wrong with this picture?
The Chase:
The Catch:
This is gonna be fun!
Up High:
The ginormousness:
Naked Computing:
Chillin on Southport:

Monday, May 24, 2010

To the Beach!

Summer weather returned to Chicago yesterday at a healthy 90 degrees. Given the chaotic weather patterns in this city, we had to take advantage of it while we could. Not sparing a minute, we hit the beach at 8:30 AM and it was already hot. In true Luke fashion, Luke immediately starting throwing his body around and rolling in the sand, making sure every square inch of his body was covered before we were even there for 5 minutes. In fact, Luke decided everyone should be covered in sand and proceeded to exfoliate my back by rubbing it with handfuls of sand. I've got a bunch of pictures here - take a look! There are also some of my big boy swinging on the monkey bars by himself!

The baby Zappia #2 headline of the week: Full Term - YAY!

So now that I accomplished my goal of making it full term with this baby, I'm ready get on with it! I was kind of hoping the baby would be born some time this week, but according to the dr. this morning, that isn't looking so likely. I've moved passed to waddle stage and my gait looks more like a swaying kind of motion. There is a full moon on Thursday though - a girl can hope!

Soon to be baby Zappia#2 headline: Please exit the womb!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

3 Years Old

I'm posting a little late about Luke's 3rd birthday but better late than never! Ah- the old cliche "where did the time go?"is all too true - where did it go? How can the day he was born be 3 years ago already when I can remember it so clearly and vividly. Maybe sleep deprivation makes you forget time?

It took us about 3 full weeks to celebrate Luke's 3rd birthday- that's normal, right?!?!? I hope that it doesn't continue this way because the next birthday would take a whole month! Gma and Gpa were in town for the occasion (among other occasions) and we celebrated with a huge ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. And yes, we've been eating the ice cream cake for 3 weeks - a nice bonus. Luke's a huge fan of candles so everytime we got the ice cream cake out for the first few days, we had to light candles and have Luke blow them out. Luke is so incredibly spoiled, the gifts kept on coming - a guitar, "dingers" for the guitar, a drum, special model cars, giant chapstick, building blocks, clothes, a "skateboard" attachment for his stroller, money for his college fund, yada, yada, yada.

I took the morning off from work on Luke's actual birthday and daddy and I took Luke to his favorite indoor play place - Fantasy Kingdom. He basically had the whole place to himself and he definitely took advantage of that. He was beyond excited to go there and every time he asks now, he says he wants to go to his birthday party. The world is your playground, Luke.

When you ask Luke how old he is now, he proudly announces that he's "free," while holding up 5 fingers. Please, no one teach Luke the real meaning behind 5 fingers and "free," or the cops will be coming after me because I just broke your 5 fingers.
In other Zappia happenings, Mimi is in town this weekend helping us get ready for the baby. I'm 36 weeks and I've completed all of my lovely weekly shots so all bets are now off! I've done so much to prepare for this baby coming early that I will surely be distraught if baby is still cooking at 40 bladder and my ribs just can't take the beatings anymore. Today we we went to the zoo and ended up doing a lot more ride riding (carousel and train) than animal viewing. Plans for later include a trip to Target - yay, Luke's other favorite play place :)
