Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Adrienne is 6 months old!

My little (big) princess is 6 months old - breakout the half birthday kazoos! She's doing very well and is right on track developmentally. Size-wise, she's an overachiever. She's tipping the scales at 19 lbs and is 27.5 inches which puts her in the 95%ile for height and weight. I wonder if she'll even out or if she just takes after Matt? We've started solid foods and so far she has had AND likes: avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas and oatmeal. She really likes food - go figure. Today, I sent squash with her to daycare so I'm anxious to find out what she thought of it. I've been making all of her food in the magic bullet which is fantastic for making purees. The pediatrician wants her to be on meats at about 7 months which I think is a way to get her extra iron.
Luke is Adrienne's favorite entertainer - she laughs the most when Luke is playing with her. He's very good to her and even calls her "sweetie." The other day we were leaving G-ma and G-pa's house and G-pa was holding Adrienne when we were ready to go...Luke informed him "G-pa, we need Adrienne!"
We're getting ready for Christmas which is no small feat. We've enjoyed all of the holiday decorations that have come home from preschool and daycare. Yes, even Adrienne made an ornament this year - an angel, made out of a picture of her face, her foot print and hand print as part of the body and wings. Luke came home with a graham cracker house and a snowman tile ornament.

We are so excited to watch Luke open his presents this year as we know he will be extremely excited. I'm sure Adrienne will be equally excited to chew on some wrapping paper. We've got our reindeer food ready to put out and I'm sure Santa would enjoy some cookies and eggnog (his favorite!).

Wish us luck in our final week of Christmas prep - the most wonderful time of the year!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lots of things

The 2010 holiday season is in full swing and Amazon is my new best friend. I'm a pretty social person by nature and I love shopping but I hate holidayshopping crowds. I went to the mall yesterday and it confirmed my love for Amazon. Matt gave me the green light yesterday to spend the whole day shopping *by myself* while he took both kids to Luke's gymnastics class and to his parents house. Of course (and I knew this would happen), while at gymnastics, he wore Adrienne in a baby carrier and all the other moms talked his ear off. I can only imagine what they were thinking when they saw giant Matt with a baby strapped to his body and handling a crazy toddler at the same time.

Lukey and Adri are going to get some pretty cool toys this year as if they don't already have enough. I now know how hard Santa worked all these years! Actually, today we got all of Luke's baby toys out of storage for Adrienne and it already seems like we've had Christmas! I'd forgotten about all the itty bitty baby toys and it makes me so happy to hear the little songs they sing again. Ah, they bring back such fond memories. So far Adrienne is most interested in the chew toys and the laugh n' learn table. Those darn teeth are giving Adrienne such hard time. I have a feeling they are about to start giving me a hard time as soon as they pop through!

I'm happy to report that Luke is still enjoying pre-school. This morning he woke up at 5:45 am and his first question was "Is Lukey going to go school today?" I told him that we all stay home on Sundays and his second question was "why?" And we are definitely in the "why?" stage. One of his teachers at school told me he asks the most questions - go figure! I can tell he's learning all kinds of things and he's also mimicking his teachers. He was playing Picasso the other day and I suggested he paint me a lake and he said, "That's a great idea!" Another school phrase he repeats often is "Why don't we try..." Anyway, we are really thrilled with his school and think that the Montessori philosophy is suiting him well.

Well, we are looking forward to Christmas and I'm sure it will sneak up very fast. There are sure to be many stories from Christmas morning from my little comedian, Luke! I'll try to sneak a post in before that though :)