If I could look into a crystal ball, I'm pretty sure it would show me tons of beach trips in our future. My little crazy one is a beach bum! We all had a blast with the super warm weather and the super warm Atlantic ocean. Luke enjoyed the sand and had a habit of crashing in on other groups of kids playing with buckets and shubbles. When he got bored with the sand, the little beach bum took off for to water - running straight into the waves. I held my breath the first time he got knocked down by a wave but was quickly relieved when I heard his deep belly laugh. Who knew getting knocked around by rough waves was so funny. Luke especially liked it when other people got knocked down including mimi and aunt Emily. I guess his mother didn't teach him that it's not nice to laugh at others' misfortunes. We got him back though - we ghad quite the laugh when a wave took his little shorts down and exposed his bum. There can't possibly be anything cute than a squishy little baby butt.
Following hours at the beach were hours at the pool. Again, the daredevil surprised us by not freaking out about going under water! Lukey loves jumping off the side into the pool. We did get him down for a few naps here and there but there was so much fun to be had, he only got about 60% of the sleep he normally gets. So next in the lineup after the pool was the pier full of kiddie rides. Luke only wanted to be on rides that had some sort of steering wheel- rides without a steering wheel were not under consideration. Picky, picky! Most of the rides required a chaperone so we all took turns sitting in rides 5 times too small for adults with our knees up by our ears. Ok, ok, so I exaggerate when I say this happened to all of us - I guess I fit quite nicely in the kiddie rides (do not laugh!) and my knees were nowhere near my ears like Matt's.
If the Jersey Shore didn't offer enough options for fun, mimi decided to have Christmas in August for Luke. Funny, mimi claims she didn't know those trucks had sirens and made all that noise *raising one eyebrow.* I'm scared for Christmas in December!
Ok, so my last story about the trip takes place in the airport and on the airplane. Southwest was torturing me on the way home. A 3 hour delay is so not fun with a toddler, especially a very active toddler. So I was attempting to entertain Luke in a book store but that was going very badly as Luke was ripping books off the shelf and throwing them on the floor. So there I am picking up all the books when Luke runs at mach speed out of the store. I run after him and he almost duped me by scooting into the next store - which happened to be a CRYSTAL shop. So I see him turn into the store just out of the corner of my eye and I follow him in there and the little booger runs behind the checkout counter to hide. Luckily the woman running the store thought this was funny and helped me get him out but things could have ended very very badly in the crystal store. I'm pretty sure I got the side-eye from the customers in that store.
So part two of the Southwest torturefest came on the plane. Luke came *this close* to losing it because he was so tired but he sat there and said "All done plane, all done plane." I had to explain to him that he couldn't be "All done plane," halfway through the flight unless he wanted to try skydiving. Let's just say that by the time I was exiting the plane with a hot, sweaty, sleeping Luke flung over my shoulder, other passengers were complimenting me about how well I did with him - I think they were really saying "glad it was you and not me." LOL.
As usual, here are some pics:

Nice job with this entry. I had a great time.