I never realized that parent-teacher conferences were as much about the parents as they are about the child. Well, maybe this is more specific to pre-school but none the less, I kind of felt like we were being evaluated in addition to Luke. If you're wondering, we passed with flying colors, phew!
Luke's conference needed to get it's own post in the blog because there were so many things his teacher said that I'd love to relay to Luke in the future. Luke's teacher, Mrs. Robinson is clearly in love with Luke and it is also clear, that Luke only uses his best behavior at school (he saves some other behaviors just for us at home). Here's what she said:
-Luke has such a sweet personality and is always very caring toward other students
-socially, he's very outgoing, everyone enjoys him
-he's very intelligent (woot woot!)
-He acknowledges every adult when they come in a room with a greeting
-he's very curious - asks the most questions out of the kids in the class
-he's very persistent
Somethings to work on:
-pulling up his pants before he comes out of the bathroom (I was about to pee my pants when she said this)
-working independently ( he likes to do what the next kid is doing)
We talked a lot about Luke's behavior/personality as it relates to our parenting style. Mrs. Robinson and I talked a lot about Luke's curiosity and the way he expects to have an answer for everything. I told her that we let Luke be included in everything we do at home and that we don't "dumb" things down for him because he's a child. She said that because we are always giving him reasons for things, he expects to be given correct answers to his questions - which is a good thing. We also talked about his unwavering persistence. I told her that we have a very child-directed household - she giggled. Hey, some might call us crazy (or pushovers), but I think we are fostering the development of his leadership skills :)
All in all, Luke is doing very well at school which is a relief to me given all the transitions in his life in the past 4 months.
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