Upon my return from maternity leave, I started a reduced schedule at work. I work Monday - Thursday and have my Fridays off. I LOVE this schedule and the one day off makes such a significant difference in my work/life balance. In fact, I'm a little miffed at the over achiever who, way back in the day, decided we all needed to work 5 days a week. Because I've only been back to work for about 8 Fridays or so and because I've traveled about 5 of those Fridays, I don't have a real "plan" for how I'm going to handle my day off on a regular basis. And I should make the point now that while it is a day off from my career, it is not a day off from "work" because I "work" harder on Fridays than I do M-Th combined!
Hurry! Both kids are sleeping at the same time! Hurry!
Earlier in the day, I thought to myself that I'd surely take a nap if I won the sleep lottery and both kids napped at the same time. Well, here I sit, updating my blog because instead of a nap, the line above beginning with "Hurry!" crept into my mind and took over my nap time! All the to-do's need to magically get checked off the list and I have to do this in a ridiculously silent fashion. I feel like a muted tazmanian devil swirling about my house.
Whew, I am tired with a capital T! My day started off at 6:00 AM and with Luke around, there is no ramp up time. We've been go, go, going since the Luke alarm wrang and my feet hit the floor. I think it was around 8:30 AM when I thought it must be getting close to lunch time only to be in disbelief when I saw the clock. Today's lineup: match box car carwash (2x), wooden puzzles (x3), guitar and drums, hide and go seek, haircut, Wegman's, browning making, cleaning and nap. And that was all just for Luke, throw in taking care of Adrienne and that's a partial description of my day. Ah, I wouldn't trade it for the world!
We've got a great weekend ahead of us and we're looking forward to all of it happening in one city, Canandaigua! Last weekend we were in Richmond, VA for my cousin, Anna-Suzanne's Bat Mitzvah. We had a great time and the kids were angelic the whole weekend, included both 8 hour car rides. Luke had a blast at the dance parth, aka, the reception. He was leading a pack of about 6 older boys running circles around the reception with helium balloons in tow. About every 5 minutes, the Luke "commet" ran in and out of the main room like a flash.
One last little note...big girl is now rolling both ways :)
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