Wubbies (Chubs) and Decky (Declan) were leading quite the peaceful, spoiled life of two urban condo kitties until May 2007. Adopted as wee kittens from Wisconsin, Chubs and Declan used to spend their days sunbathing in the windows, sleeping on the sofa, and eating in peace. Enter a mobile Lukester and quite a lot has changed. My precious kitties now spend their days, sleeping in the most remote places in our condo, avoiding platic golf clubs, and darting from the enemy. Only once Luke goes to bed do they dare venture to the sofa where they immediately proceed to claim their spot on whatever warm body happens to also be there. We've been working on Luke's petting skills but he still doesn't get "nice kitty, gentle, nice kitty, gentle." I have to admit it is quite hilarious to see the look of terror in the eyes of the cats as Luke attempts petting or when Luke decides to "cuddle" with them by laying on them. All in all, to Luke, the cats are fun furry friends and to them, he is the arch enemy.

hilarious! i love it!!!