We have a new obsession. Yellow buses. Well, to be honest, Luke started being interested in buses over the holidays but this weekend he took it to a new level. We (my mom, Luke and I) visited the outlet mall this weekend which (unfortunately for me) is not a favorite destination of Luke's. In an effort to appease the little non-shopper, we thought it would be a good idea to let him ride the yellow bus in the kiddie play area. You know the ones that you put 50 cents in and it wiggles and jiggles? It was a hit! Luke immediately started laughing and nearly fell out of the driver's seat because he was "steering" so vigorously. He was having such a great time I even let him go on it twice in a row - moving me into Mother of the Year contention. Naturally, some other kiddos noticed how much fun Luke was having and decided to get in line to be next. Well, as soon as Luke's second ride was over, I had to remove him from the bus kicking and screaming. What ensued next was nothing short of ridiculous - Luke threw the most intense tantrum to date!
Luke was "that" kid screaming his head off in public. About every 30 seconds, he would catch his breath and say "bus? bus?" and then begin crying again. This went on for a good 15 minutes until I decided I. couldn't. take. it. anymore. and we started off back in the direction of the bus. Of course, Luke was thrilled to be back on the bus. This story repeats itself. Tantrum #2 sent us straight to the car and off towards home.
My mom decided that Luke HAD to have a bus at home to play with so we checked 2 stores and then finally found the perfect bus at Target. Luke has played with the bus non-stop and I *think* he may be over the torture of yesterday. I've heard lots of "bus!...bus!...bus!" today and we are happy again. Thanks Mimi!!