Can winter be over already, Gah?! We are tired of being cooped up inside just like everyone else but multiply that by 2 for our kid factors. It looks really nice out; I can see sun. It looks really nice out; I see very little snow. It is not really nice out; I feel cold. It is not really nice out; I feel frigid wind. Grrrrr. It's March 27th, the lamb should be here by now for crying out loud.
Ok, onto a different subject! Matt and I recently attended a parent-teacher conference for Luke. He's doing really well at school and we can certainly see all the progress he's made. One thing's for sure, this guy is just like his dad! One of the things we talked about with Luke's teacher was that no amount of convincing is going to make Luke do something he's just not interested in doing. Sounds familiar. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I guess that's why Luke does so well in a Montessori school, because he can do those things he's actually interested in doing and thus learning more by doing them.
Another topic that we seemed to revisit a lot in our conversations with the teacher was how verbally advanced Luke is and how social he is. What kills me is the amount of mental anguish we experienced with Luke's verbal development because he started off very slowly. But he caught up -and surpassed. And now he doesn't stop talking. Ever. EVER. Apparently he's everyone's friend, too. Which is a great quality. In fact, every time we go somewhere in town, he knows someone - he knows more people than we do.
The rest of Luke's report was really good...when I get the fancy printer, scanner, copier machine that I've been eyeing, I plan to upload it.
The same day of Luke's conference, Adrienne had her 9 month appt. At the weigh-in, big girl put up an impressive 21 pounds and 6 ounces - about the 88%ile. Length came in at 28.5 inches - also about the 88%ile. Per the doc: no shots this time, *just* a blood draw. A what? Yes, a blood draw, not a finger prick like Luke's previous dr. did. They literally cuffed her arm with a tourniquet, held her arm and drew blood like they would for an adult. She didn't like it. Go figure. Anyway, her iron is a little low so we are working on increasing the amount of iron in her diet. So far, she loves ground beef! Other than that, everything looks good!
Here are some recent pictures of how we've been spending our time!

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