Big Girl is 9 months old! She's rapidly becoming more and more mobile and harder and hard to contain! Very soon after Adrienne starting crawling forward, she started pulling up on everything she can get her grubby little hands on. Sometimes she'll even let go of things and just balance on her feet. She's loving her new found sense of freedom and independence but I am not loving all of the spills she takes! It's a good thing she has plenty of padding on that little booty! One of her favorite items these days is her brother's scooter. And yes, the fighting over toys has started already. Lastnight I had her standing on the platform of the scooter with her arms stretched up so she could get her hands on the handle bars. Quite a funny sight - she was so happy she was giggling. We, of course, did this while said brother was outside crashing his power wheels into various objects. Adrienne also loves playing blocks with Luke although Luke is quite stingy with howmany blocks she can have. So she settles for playing babyzilla and just knocks his towers down. I find much entertainment in watching them play together.
We have Adrienne's 9 month appt.on MondayAND Luke's parent/teacher conference so I shouldhave plenty of material to update you all on next time! Until then...

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