Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Path to Normal

We've surpassed the 1 year mark of a global pandemic and I have to say, we've faired better than most.  While no one loves a pandemic, we've had a lot of silver linings.  We've enjoyed the slow down and embraced the empty schedule while it lasted.  We spent extra time at home and at the lake last summer because we didn't need to be somewhere else.  We were able to spend a lot of time together that we wouldn't have had otherwise and we were able to get many house projects done.  And isn't the gift of time what we are always searching for?

I'm not really sure was constitutes "normal" anymore but I feel we are at least moving toward a non-descript world of post-pandemic living.  The girls have returned to school full-time and the transition was very easy.  They seem very happy to be in school with their friends and there is a renewed excitement about going to school.  Part of the reason the transition was easy is that I am still working from home so I'm not rushing out the door in the morning and trying to get them on the bus at the same time.  I'm there when they get off the bus, too, even if I have to put a conference call on hold to go and waive at the bus driver.  Luke is still home with me 3 days per week as the middle school has to wait until the county case count comes down but he has resumes school sports 5 days per week.  He's currently playing modified lax which was cancelled last year so that has been a treat for all of us.  They are still restricting the number of spectators at games but we are just so excited to be back on the sidelines.  Club season has started as well so he's on the field 7 days per week right now.  That cute goalie with the blonde flow out the back of his helmet is always yelling "fire!" and either barking or showing his muscles after a save.  He's a performer - we get a lot "I just love watching him play" from the other spectators.  

The girls are currently playing lax as well.  Everyone has games on Saturday mornings so it's usually a scheduling puzzle to get everyone where they need to go.  Coco is \ not sure what she really thinks of games yet.  She's got a lot of pride though - apparently they win every game, or at the very least, tie; even though the other team somehow found the back of the goal more often.   Adrienne has had a brief break from her club team and has been able to build her confidence by playing on her town team.  We'll be back in club season next weekend and she'll be logging many hours on the field.  The girls have many friends within walking distance and are constantly out in the neighborhood or finding friends to walk to Starbucks with.   Our trampoline, tree swing and bikes have seen a lot of love.

So while things ebb toward "normal,"  I'll miss many aspects of this slower time and will think fondly of it.   I will not miss the fear or the restrictions but I feel we are coming out of this with a net positive.  We are looking forward to a full and happy summer!

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