Sweet, sassy and six!
My little cherub girl is six now. It's been six years since I sat in the front yard of our condo building in Chicago, not so patiently awaiting a call that my schedule induction that was bumped was going to be on again. Six years since I had a break down on the phone with my OB who told me that I was going to have to wait 2 more days to have a baby who was essentially hanging between my knees. Six years since the above mentioned break down convinced that same OB that, "you know what, why don't you just come in now and we'll just go ahead with the induction today." And poof, just like that, six years ago, I had to most painless and peaceful birth of my first sweet baby girl. And I'm convinced that her effortless way into this world helped to shape her placid, gentle, and loving personality.
At six years old, Adrienne loves swimming, gymnastics, soccer, art projects, books, barbies, shopkins, and most of all, people. I looked up the word extrovert in the dictionary and lo and behold, there was Adrienne's picture! No definition needed. This girl sees the world as one that is full of friends that she just hasn't met yet. She stops people walking in the neighborhood, whom she has never laid eyes on, and invites them into the house to play with her. It could be another 6 year old girl, it could be a 75 year old grandmother with her grand kids. She particularly likes the teenage girls in the neighborhood. Adrienne doesn't discriminate and accepts everyone for who they are. It can actually be a bit embarrassing at times like when she goes to the park and invites herself into another family's picnic or when she asks complete strangers why they are wearing "that funny shirt?" She wants to talk to every single person she sees and by "talk", I mean interrogate.
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