Our Mickey Duck has been around the sun twice. It's been quite the ride. Even with two doting older siblings and of course, two doting parents shaping her, she's certainly and undeniably her own person. And she'll make sure you know it. She's also ridiculously sweet and lovey and radiates happiness. She's the epitome sugar and spice. She's currently obsessed with Dora, Mickey Mouse, pistachios, yogurt pouches, books, and her baby cousin, Violet. She loves to be tickled, chased and flipped upside down. She is an art lover and likes "paintin'." Her favorite songs are ABCs, BaBa Black Sheep, Row Row Row your Boat, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She's our petite princess at the 20th-30th percentile for size. In true third child fashion, she's simply advanced for her two short years.
In honor of the monumental 2nd birthday, we had a Mickey Mouse themed dinner for her. We celebrated with MiMi and G-ma and G-pa and she finally figured out the whole presents thing. She is certainly spoiled by the immediate and extended family who love her and shower her with gifts. She's a lucky gal to have so many people who love her and there's nothing like a birthday to remind us of that. She received such great gifts and for that, we are truly grateful.
Oh, and in case you are wondering why I called her Mickey Duck above, it's because she had Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck confused for a little while and was saying "Mickey Duck." And because it was just so darn cute, we have nicknamed her Mickey Duck.
The Cake:
Birthday girl on her actual birthday (day #2 of the cake):
At her party:
Opening an alphabet toy from Aunt Karis, Uncle Tommy, and Violet:
Opening Mickey Mouse figurines from Aunt Emily:
Sporting her new coat from G-ma and G-pa:
Opening various gifts from Mimi: