Monday, March 11, 2013

Bed Time Antics

We are still waiting for that golden time when we put the kids to bed, they stay there, they sleep, and they wake up a reasonable time in the morning.  If they only knew how much they will miss sleep when they are older, maybe they would take advantage of it now.  If they only knew how awesome it is to be ordered to sleep, mid day, with reward and without consequence, they would take advantage of it now.  If they only knew, wait, I just lost my train of thought because I had to run upstairs and put Ade back in her bed for the third time so far tonight.  Seriously.  Notice how I said "so far" in that last sentence.  Our night time routine goes a little like this:

Dad reads girl minimum of three books and puts her in bed and sits in rocker in room.
Mom reads boy multiple books and lays with him in his bed.
Dad leaves girl's room and goes down stairs to study on couch.
Mom falls asleep waiting for boy to fall asleep.
Dad wakes mom to come out of boy's room.
Mom and dad have a few peaceful moments of mindless tv watching.
Girl gets out of bed first time.
Dad puts girl back in bed and retreats back down stairs.
Girl throws sippy cup out of bed, making loud noise and gets out of bed a second time.
Dad puts girl back in bed and retreats down stairs.
Girl starts singing very loudly.
Girl gets out of bed a third time.
Dad demands that mom put girl back to bed this time.
Mom puts girl back in bed and spouts a few empty threats and retreats back downstairs.
Girl continues singing loudly.
Mom falls asleep on couch watching tv.
Dad stays up late watching tv.
Mom and dad eventually go up to bed.
Girl wakes up and walks in mom and dad's room.
Mom puts girl back in bed and lays in bed with her.
Mom falls asleep in awkward position in girl's bed and wakes an hour later to return to her own bed.
One hour passes and boy wakes up.
Boy gets in bed with mom and dad, steals covers and breaths in mom's face.
Mom is squished and wakes an hour later to tell dad to move over.
Dad goes to sleep in boy's room.
Boy and girl wake at 5:45 am and demand immediate entertainment.

That's about it.  About 4 out of 7 days per week.  We are hoping the time changes helps our cause even thought it's not likely to.  Boo.

I have no pictures of kids sleeping but plenty of Ade not sleeping for this weekend:

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