Little miss is being tortured by molars and therefore we are all being tortured by little miss. So discouraging when I thought we were turning the corner on her sleep issues...hopefully this is a temporary set back. It HAS to be temporary, right?
Do you know what it feels like to bounce, rock, and sway 24 pounds for 3 hours in the dark when you are sleep deprived and craving the comfort of your pillow? I do! It feels like torture! At least I'm getting my weight lifting exercises in and I have big guns to show for it!
The good news is that Lukey is somehow able to sleep through her screaming and my rough renditions of lullabyes.
I'm not remembering Luke teething like this but alas, it's probably because I was sleep deprived then and unable to commit such experiences to memory - surely by mother nature's design.
Moving on, big girl had her 1 year well baby check today. Stats: 31 inches - 94th% for height; 23 lbs 12 oz - 80th% for weight. 3 shots - not cool. 2 "bulging and almost bleeding" molars. I have to say I do love the looks she throws at the doctor. "Who are you and what are you doing with that cold silver thing on my skin?" "Get that pointy thing about of my ear!" "Stop shining that light in my eyes already!" Daggers.
Luke also just had his 4 year check up. He's in the 75th%ile for both heightand weight. Not bad for my little preemie. He on the other hand, was very interested in the doctor's tools - especially the reflex hammer thing. As you might imagine, he couldn't wait to get his hands on it the second the doctor walked out of the room. And oh, those tongue depressors sure are fun! What Luke likes even more than the doctor's office is the dentist office. I recently went to the dentist myself and Luke was totally jealous - poor kid is going to be so disappointed in a few years when he learns that the dentist is no longer something to look forward to.

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