Houston, we have forward crawling!
Big girl continues on her way (much too fast)toward toddlerhood now at 8 months. Most recently, she figured out how to move her little tank forward instead of backward in circles. She sits without the safety net, also known as the boppy, to keep her from tipping over backwards. She's trying to pull up on everything and really enjoys standing. I really think I could make a lot of money making an infant helmet notmeant for reshaping a kid's head (because they already have those) but for protection from developing motor skills.Adrienne tends to do a few tumbles a week as she overestimates her new found mobility.
Let's see, she's starting to make a run for her brother's toys, specifically his match box cars and the cars' garage. I certainlyforesee some sharing struggles in the near future - oy. Luke is still Adrienne's favorite entertainer and she just loves to hang out with him. Hopefully this is not just a phase.
Adrienne is eating table foods these days, she pretty much likes everything! She loves drinking ice water. We don't do juice in our house mainly because there are mostly empty calories in juice and because quite frankly, nobody here really loves it enough to buy it.
Well that's about it for now since I'll need to do a 9 month post rather soon :)

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