I guess all of my begging and pleading for time to slow down has not worked. bummer. My little chunk hit the 7 month mark this past Monday and apparently it has urged her to be mobile. Well, she's not really mobile yet, but she's thinking about it and practicing daily. If you put her on the rug with her toys, she'll be in the middle of the room on the hardwood floor within a few minutes. And that poor little nose has had some unfortunate meetings with the wood lately. I bet that I could become a millionaire if I produced and sold baby helmets - there are certainly enough nervous nilly's out there that would buy one. Kind of like really mini bike helmets.
At 7 months, we're experimenting with food. I use "experimenting" as opposed to "eating" because I'm not confident that much of the food makes it into her mouth as "eating" would suggest. Some days she likes food and other days she most certainly does not and she'll let you know with a very disgusted look on her face. So far, the fruits are not much of a hit but luckily the vegetables seem to go over better. Her favorite food by far is avocado followed closely by squash. And we'll through in Mangos as the 3rd most popular. Adrienne is still a huge fan of nursing so she gets most of her nutrition through milk still.
It seems that with each passing month, Adrienne gains new nicknames. Most recently, I've been calling her a gremlin because she's been making these low guttural noises - they are very funny but different than grunts. If she is in fact a gremlin, she's way cuter than Gizmo.
Here she is folks - sorry, no sign this month:

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