Ok, I'm going to try to type really FAST because I have a feeling a certain someone is going to be waking up in the next ten minutes to eat!
So speaking of fast...Matt and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary yesterday...those 5 years went by FAST, OMG! I guess it's a good sign that it doesn't seem like it's gone by slowly, huh? That wouldn't be good. Anyway, it was also Matt's 29th birthday! I like it when it's Matt's birthday because that means for the next 6 months or so, our birthdays look only one year apart instead of 2 :) Yesterday we went out to lunch at a famous Mexican restaurant in the city where we've been trying to use a gift card that we've held onto for 5 years (literally, it was a wedding gift). We've called at least once a year since we've been in Chicago to get a reservation at this place but we've never been able to get one when we wanted to. So alas, yesterday we walked in for lunch, didn't have to wait and got an awesome table. The stars must have been aligned. This particular restaurant as gotten even harder to get into since theowner and executive chef, Rick Bayliss is Obama's favorite. Too bad I had to watch Matt down 2 margaritas while sipping my fruit cooler.

So speaking of fast...Matt and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary yesterday...those 5 years went by FAST, OMG! I guess it's a good sign that it doesn't seem like it's gone by slowly, huh? That wouldn't be good. Anyway, it was also Matt's 29th birthday! I like it when it's Matt's birthday because that means for the next 6 months or so, our birthdays look only one year apart instead of 2 :) Yesterday we went out to lunch at a famous Mexican restaurant in the city where we've been trying to use a gift card that we've held onto for 5 years (literally, it was a wedding gift). We've called at least once a year since we've been in Chicago to get a reservation at this place but we've never been able to get one when we wanted to. So alas, yesterday we walked in for lunch, didn't have to wait and got an awesome table. The stars must have been aligned. This particular restaurant as gotten even harder to get into since theowner and executive chef, Rick Bayliss is Obama's favorite. Too bad I had to watch Matt down 2 margaritas while sipping my fruit cooler.
Later in the evening, we dove into Matt's birthday present which was a bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries from edible arrangements - YUM. I'm embarassed to say that we ate the whole thing in one sitting. Birthdays and anniversaries are great excuses for over-indulging!
So an update on the products of the last 5 years:
Luke is the most ridiculously cute kid ever - his antics make us laugh all day long. He's been parallel parking his cozy coupe car all over the condo. He actually lines up furniture so that the parking spot is tight and backs in his little car. It's amazing how much he picks up from us when we don't even know he's paying attention. This is clearly a blessing and a curse depending on what he picks up. He's been really into the baby lately - he tells her "it's ok" whenever she's crying but has yet to learn that his flailing limbs need to be reigned in in her presence. I finally got him away from my breast pump-which he was turning the speed up and down on as I was using it - uh, not cool!
Little miss Adrienne continues to be a sweet little thing. She's so sweet and cuddly that at night she only likes to sleep on top of people, and if we're lucky, next to people. She generally sleeps in 3 hour segments which isn't too bad. She's quick to let us know when she's hungry or wants to be picked up - let me tell you, she isn't shy! She's very strong and can hold her head up for quite a while. She'll be giving Luke a run for his money before too long!
Alas, some photos!
Sitting pretty:
Flowers we got for our anniversary:
Watering the plants:
The chocolate covered strawberries:
Playing in the front yard:
Hanging out in the front yard:
A small snooze in the swing:
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