Luke is growing like a weed - I really can't believe it - you'd never know how little he actually eats! A few different neighbors have commented recently on how tall he's gotten and even his nanny said today "wow, he looks like a little boy today." It's seems so long ago that I got the comments "he's so tiny, how old is he?"...to which I replied, "oh he's still a month away from his due date." The kid is long and lean and sure to outgrow his mommy by the 3rd grade! Anyway, I got distracted there, back to the title of this post - new treats!
So Luke's new faves include, white cheddar popcorn, trail mix and fish oil. Quite the combo, eh? He'll even eat them all together in one sitting. He's still a milkaholic and also a fruit addict, throw in some pasta and you've got Luke's basic diet. Did you catch that fish oil is considered a treat? Yep, it's a treat and he loves it! It comes in these cool little eatable capsules that pop in your mouth when you bite them. They taste like a burst of orange juice and have no fish taste at all. I've set up the expectation with Luke that the fish oil capsules are "special" treats and he can only have them if he's good - this of course, makes him want them even more. I love that he thinks they are candy and instead they are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids that build the brain and help the heart. And I'm so proud of myself for being able to trick an almost-2-year-old :) In addition to the fish oil, I've also convinced Luke of how fun vacuuming is. I'd say the vacuum cleaner is his "go-to" toy these days and it must be plugged in and turned on for him to like it. I'm such a great brainwasher, huh?
For the non-Luke section of Zappia news, Matt is back in Detroit yet again. He left today, comes back tomorrow, stays in Chicago Wednesday, then back to Detroit Thursday and home again on Friday. Today he figured out that he has spent 1 out of every 4 days of 2009 in Detroit. We are headed up to Lake Geneva in Wisconsin with our neighbors, the Callahans this coming weekend. It'll be a nice little getaway.

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