Coco is still not a big fan of circle time, which, by admission of her teachers, is an exercise in sitting still. Although sitting still is "boring," her date and weather recitation skills are quite on point! Gotta learn something from that circle time.
The other responsibility bestowed only upon the Kindergarteners in her classroom is the "Contract." Now the contract is really just an outline or checklist of tasks/lessons they must accomplish but it makes me giggle when I hear her talk about her "contract." Such a serious word for such a small being.
And last but certainly not least, the other momentous change for Coco this year is RIDING THE BUS! She really, really loves the bus. There are only three kids on her bus and many times, she's on it alone but she has the nicest bus driver. She's not aware that she'll start hating it in a few years time so we'll take the bus love while we can get it.