We live with a tiny tyrant. Corinna dictates how just about everything we do is done. To paint a picture for you, I will tell you the tale of Wegmans:
I avoid grocery shopping with her at all cost so I plan this very regular, very frequent activity around when my baby boss can be kept at home. There are, of course, times when I must bring said small person with me and it never. ends. well. Yesterday I was having a weak moment and was feeling particularly brave at the same time and thought I'd give it a go at Wegmans with Coco. Poor choice. It didn't end well. She was actually great in the store, entertaining herself with the plastic produce bags and throwing (and I do mean throwing) our selections onto the conveyor belt at check-out. She was even having a wonderful time practicing her credit card slides (actually a good exercise for fine motor skills). The moment came for us to exit the store and you would have thought I told her that she could never have chocolate again. So I'm leaving the store with 1 ginormous cart of groceries, pushing it with one hand while I hold screaming, flailing toddler in the other, walking about 30 miles/hr. We were turning heads left and right. And then somehow and have no idea how, she is able to swing her body up so it appears I am carrying her in a fireman's hold (all while still pushing the cart) and her foot connects with my face! I walk faster and faster and finally make it to the safe haven of the car only to realize that it was then time to wrestle the angry alligator into the carseat. I'll leave it to your imagination to picture how that went. By the time I was buckled in and pulling out of the space, she had turned back into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide has receded. And I swore for the 100th time that I would never take her to Wegman's with me again. The tyrant won the battle.
It takes a lot of energy to throw a Coco fit so here she is resting up for the next one:
She's a little self-absorbed these days, here she is taking a selfie: