Friday, November 8, 2013

Free Time

I'll start by saying that nothing in this post is going to come as a surprise to anyone with small children or a full-time job, or both (and those are the true crazies). But OMG, free time is nothing short of amazing!  I've had all week off from work to wait for this baby to arrive and the kids have been in school and the worker bee has been at work so I've been all. by.myself.for. a. week.  Awesome!    Now, I'd probably get bored on week #2 of this but week #1 has been pretty refreshing.  Like right now, I'm raiding the kids Halloween candy and they don't even know it!  And next, I'm going to lay on the couch and watch TV.  And I won't even have to get up every 3 minutes to get someone a sippy cup of chocolate milk or wipe up some bodily fluid or save the cat.  Speaking of...this seems relevant:

I think you all have some sort of weird 6th sense that tells you to call me at the exact moment when the kids flake out and it appears as though I'm a very bad parent :-)

I'll end this post by thanking baby #3, still referred to as "it," for hanging in there and giving me this week of free time - lord knows it may never ever happen again.  At least until my next child free vacation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween 2013

We actually escaped some nasty winterish weather for the one fall day where it counts...Halloween!!  Luckily the rain stayed away and a we had a great 60 degree fall day which was preceded by some very cold weather.  I took the day off from work and volunteered in Luke's 1st grade class to help with the Halloween party and parade.

I was able to get the kids earlier than normal so they had some down time before trick-or-treating which worked out great.  Luke was a vampire and Ade was a cowgirl (sort of).  We couldn't keep Luke away from his costume and we couldn't keep Ade in her costume.  They never cooperate on the same day so this was not surprising.  The left for treats about 6 pm and were home with overflowing buckets by 7 pm.  They both enjoyed handing out the candy when they returned :-)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Baby Zappia #3

Painting Project

Ade and I worked on a little project this evening - creating new art to hang in her new room! And of course we color matched her bedspread!  I have to say, painting with a toddler takes a LOT of patience but I think the finished product turned out beautifully.   Next, we'll attempt the same painting project with Luke for his new room!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Home Renovation project Fall 2013

We are in the process a never ending home renovation project.  Never. ending.  We started planning and contacting people about this project in January and here we sit in the middle of September.  The big parts are done but it's the smaller stuff that is taking forever.  Painting a room, or should i say rooms from scratch is no joke.  Luckily, Matt has painting in his genes passed down from the Meyer side but his perfectionist ways keep this project going. There have been many helpers in this project and believe me we are thankful because without the help, we may have lost our minds by now. Oh wait, we did anyway.  But you know what I mean.  You know what they say, it takes a village to complete a home reno project :-)

I mean I really shouldn't complain because I have done none of the hard labor this project requires but the young sales guy at CarpetOne does knows me as the crazy pregnant lady who can't make up her mind about the damn  carpet already.  And I watch and entertain the kids (again, with help) so that our they stay out of the way and we don't end up with painted footprints all over the house.

So hopefully this project will be done before this next baby arrives.  We have some more room moves before then but it will all be worth it in the end.

In the mean time, I want to share a few Adrienneisms:

-I wanna play Connect Fork!  (Connect Four)
-I'm gonna call one a your names (playing any gain that involves throwing something - future phys ed. teacher in training)
-Can we go to the candy island? (Can we go to the candy aisle? At Wegmans)

And some random recent pictures I found on my phone:

Rock Painting from today:

Sitting on the giant rock at the park:

Waiting for the bus:

On the way to the first day of preschool:

Taking selfies:

Park Ave Fest:

Belt ceremony at TKD:

PGA Championship at Oak Hill:

Luke and his friend Henry at 1st grade orientation:

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Summer 2013

I know what you're thinking...that I've given up on the blog.  But I'm back.  See, the problem is that our weekends are busy busy busy and the evenings during the week are for laying on the couch (obviously).  That doesn't leave much time for the genius that goes into writing and maintaining a blog,  Especially one as genius as this one.    So I'm attempting a new strategy and that is to write shorter blogs, more often.   This way, I'm not pressured to spin you an enchanting tale every time I want to really just share a quick thought or a picture.

So here's a quick blurb about our summer:

We had a fantastic summer.  Lots of playing with neighborhood kids, Ghost in the Graveyard, pool time, lake time, trips to the water park, concerts, Camp Sisol and of course the pinnacle of our summer, a week at Dewey Beach.  Here are some pics of our fun: