So we've obviously been up to a lot since the start of school! We've been attending festivals, checking out area attractions and just general busy business. Luke is in swimming lessons these days and I'm thinking about signing Adrienne up for gymnastics. She seems to be rather coordinated and is a little climber. I've started working out and reading again and Matt's studying for the CFA exam - we like a lot of activity - can you tell? Oh and we've been house hunting, too! Once we get a house, I'll be able to start a new hobby of house projects.
Luke has started reading - yay! He's known his letter sounds for a while now but he's been putting them together at school and thus, he was sent home with his first reading book - Goldilocks. He's been making huge progress in school this year. Ade's still hanging out at daycare but she's in a new room that has new equipment that she loves. We're gearing up for Halloween - Luke will be a skeleton (his decision) and Ade will be a cow (not her decision). We have bits and pieces of Halloween decorations ALL over the house and the floor, and the couch - and they stick to my socks- hmf.
At a winery in Naples - we were feeding the Koi right out of our hands!
My soapbox rant of the day:
So I was reading a "fitness" blog this morning and I was totally turned off by it. This author is a personal trainer who is now pregnant and she wrote in her blog, don't worry, this won't turn into one of those "mommy blogs!" Seriously, at least years down the road, I'll have a written account of all the fun we've had along the way, instead of a compilation of posts that all the say the same thing - don't enjoy food and work your body into the ground!
On to more fun things!
Ade with crazy hair and her baby:
Ade's crazy hair is getting long!
Playing after dinner:
And the Pumpkin Patch: