So June has been quite a busy month for us - large, exhausting events every.single.weekend which results in minimal sleep at chez Zappia. Big Girl turned 1 - the rite of passage into toddlerhood! We had quite the little partay for her - about 40 guests or so. Before the guests showed up, we had her baptized (a wee bit late since most babies can’t walk down the aisle at their own baptism). shame. She loved being baptized! Ok, that was a lie, she was rather angry during most of the ceremony - at least the parts where we wanted her to be quiet. So let’s see, the only times she wasn’t crying were before and after the ceremony. She was not a fan of the holy water - it did not remind her of being in the bathtub.
So back to the birthday celebration. The usual suspects came to pay their respects to the petite princess. She wasn’t really sure what was going on - she just wanted to ride her bike! She showed everyone her walking skills...and her seat drop skills, they go hand in hand, you see. She was intrigued by the cake and liked mushing up the icing in her hands but didn’t get crazy with it which is surprising since she’s such a foodie. My little meatball had a better time with the meatballs.
She was spoiled with presents for sure, which her brother promptly took control of and continues to reign over. Good thing we hid her new Tiffany bracelet from Uncle Tommy T.! Little miss was so exhausted from the party that she slept through the night that night - her first time ever! And before you think silly thoughts about her continuing to sleep through the night, I’ll have know that it was a fluke. a FLUKE.