Wowee, big boy is 4! Not only do we have trouble comprehending this, but so does Luke. Since his birthday on May 4th, he's been asking us each morning "Am I four today?" Yes, Luke, everyday you are 4 - this will be the case for, oh, about a year. Although, two nights ago he told us he was 24 so that he could drink beer. awesome. Where does he getthis stuff?!
As has been the case in the past, this year we celebrated Luke's birthday pretty much everyday for a whole week. We might as well sing "Happy Birthweek to you," for Luke. The day before his birthday, it was his special day at school in which he got to where a crown, be the line leader, do the calendar, and have cupcakes. Additionally, I was Luke's guest of honor for "Tasteful Tuesday" that same day which worked out nicely. (Tasteful Tuesdays have been going on for the last 3 months of the school year in which the kids are learning how to set the table and manners and such - they also get to have a guest). So that was the day before his birthday. On his birthday, he spent the day with Mimi and Adrienne- they went for ice cream (Luke wanted purple ice cream) and a special trip to the toy store so Luke could pick out something for his birthday (he came home with a marble maze). That night, all of us plus G-ma and G-pa went to Eddie O'Brien's for Luke's birthday dinner. G-ma brought presents and balloons for Luke! When we got home, we continued to celebrate with a brownie and birthday candle. Next celebration was Saturday for Luke's Bounce House Birthday Party! Aunt Emily , Tommy, Karis and Uncel Irv all came for the party in addition to his cousins and schoolmates. We had a great time - 2 hours at the YMCA which included use of a kids' gym, party room and 2 very large bounce houses. The party was a huge success - Luke had a blast! There was lots of sweating going on by adults and kids alike after numerous runs in the bounce houses. Luke got so many cool presents! To name a few: bugnoculars, tractor trailer match box car carrier, crocks, sweatbands, pillow pet, trucks that make lots of noise, kite, hippity hoppity ball, and a purple plasma car. Of course, we had some sharing issues with all of these new cool toys but we are working on that!
So we'll see what the age of 4 brings but I can imagine that it'll be an exciting year!