This post us brought to you during half time of the superbowl. The WHO actually have a pretty cool half time show...I was leary at first but they're pretty good! So here we go....
Dear Winter,
I'm done with you. We all are. You can leave now. I want to be able to go outside again without being in pain. I want to sit in the front yard, take Luke to the park, go on walks - all without you. Take your snow, your slush, your wind chill factors and your sunless days and be gone. Gone!
Well at least we aren't in the mid-atlantic states with their 28 inches of snow. And at least we'll be headed down south to Florida in a few days. Luke is very excited to be going to Florida. We'll be doing a lot of his favorites...flying on an airplane, staying in a hotel, going to the pool, going to the beach, etc. What more could you ask for?
We were at Target on Saturday trying on mini flip flops (for our vacation) and of course Luke wanted either pink ones, or sparkly ones. He ended up with brown ones with frayed straps. Poor guy. I liked the sparkly ones too.
He didn't walk out of Target disappointed though, he was able to swipe some funfetti cake mix off the shelf for "cupcakes, mommy, cupcakes!" I'll blame that one on Matt since he was the one driving the cart close enough to the side of the aisle for Luke to reach out and grab something. You have to watch those lightening fast little paws in the baking aisle!
I'm done with you. We all are. You can leave now. I want to be able to go outside again without being in pain. I want to sit in the front yard, take Luke to the park, go on walks - all without you. Take your snow, your slush, your wind chill factors and your sunless days and be gone. Gone!
Well at least we aren't in the mid-atlantic states with their 28 inches of snow. And at least we'll be headed down south to Florida in a few days. Luke is very excited to be going to Florida. We'll be doing a lot of his favorites...flying on an airplane, staying in a hotel, going to the pool, going to the beach, etc. What more could you ask for?
We were at Target on Saturday trying on mini flip flops (for our vacation) and of course Luke wanted either pink ones, or sparkly ones. He ended up with brown ones with frayed straps. Poor guy. I liked the sparkly ones too.
He didn't walk out of Target disappointed though, he was able to swipe some funfetti cake mix off the shelf for "cupcakes, mommy, cupcakes!" I'll blame that one on Matt since he was the one driving the cart close enough to the side of the aisle for Luke to reach out and grab something. You have to watch those lightening fast little paws in the baking aisle!
Getting the cupcake papers ready with his new flip flops on:

Luke is constantly saying cute things and it makes me want to just give into his every whim. Today at the end of his wiggleworms music class, the teacher was singing the goodbye song and Luke goes "time for Starbucks!" So naturally, I wanted to take him to the Starbucks across the street from music class but Matt was with us and steered both Luke and I away from it. Must be Matt is still recovering from our last two trips to Starbucks after music class whereby Luke spilled the hot chocolate we got him both times. He also got his Easter basket out today and asked for it to be filled with treats - good thing I had some on hand.
Don't be fooled though, Luke doesn't get many treats. I control about 95% of Luke's diet and that 95% is filled with organic milk, water, fruit, bagels with cheam (not cream) cheese, pasta and chicken-less nuggets.
Well, that's about it from this weekend!
Luke is constantly saying cute things and it makes me want to just give into his every whim. Today at the end of his wiggleworms music class, the teacher was singing the goodbye song and Luke goes "time for Starbucks!" So naturally, I wanted to take him to the Starbucks across the street from music class but Matt was with us and steered both Luke and I away from it. Must be Matt is still recovering from our last two trips to Starbucks after music class whereby Luke spilled the hot chocolate we got him both times. He also got his Easter basket out today and asked for it to be filled with treats - good thing I had some on hand.
Don't be fooled though, Luke doesn't get many treats. I control about 95% of Luke's diet and that 95% is filled with organic milk, water, fruit, bagels with cheam (not cream) cheese, pasta and chicken-less nuggets.
Well, that's about it from this weekend!