I know I take a lot of pictures but who wouldn't with this adorable little subject! I have to take at least 10 of the same shot to get one that I am satisfied with. Tonight's photo shoot was done in the bathtub and Luke was workin' it. He's going to really dislike my photography in about 12 years when we break out the numerous naked baby photos.
I totally missed my calling. Forget corporate HR, I really should have been a photographer. Now, I'm not saying I take the best pictures or anything, but I clearly have a passion for the camera. If I could just talk a certain someone into buying me a ridiculously expensivc camera...hmm, I'll put that on my list!
Snapshot in Time
So that Luke will know what Matt and I looked like at this point in time, I'm including a picture taken the day after my 29th birthday. Uncle Nick was kind enough to come and babysit while we headed out to dinner and a movie (Slumdog Millionaire).